Bill Blank

Bill Blank

Administrative Support Coordinator

Bill Blank joined TTx in 1994 and works as the Administrative Support Coordinator.

“The client is the main focus of TTx and I feel that my role helps me put the client first on a daily basis. My role gives me the ability to make sure that a client’s needs and service issues are handled in a timely manner and that they are happy with the results.”

Bill’s personality (ESTJ-T) is classified as “The Turbulent Executive.” This individual is a representative of tradition and order, and is someone who utilizes their understanding of what is right, wrong and socially acceptable to bring families and communities together. Bill leverages his personality type to contribute to successful internal teamwork by “generating the correct plan to correct issues.”

What brings you joy at work?

“The challenge of understanding service issues when they are received and who is the most qualified in our team to handle that particular issue. Then how best to expedite that ticket to get the quickest resolution.”

What brings you joy outside of work?

“I enjoy spending time with my three granddaughters. I also enjoy cooking (smoking, grilling, making wine, canning, always trying to learn something new).”