Margi Casebolt
Billing Administrator
Margi Casebolt joined TTx in 2009 and she currently works as the Billing Administrator.
“My role puts me in a position to most times be the first person at TTx that a client engages with when they are having a service issue, or needing work done. I feel that by ensuring that they are taken care of in a professional and prompt manner that I am helping advance the mission of TTx. I know that there are many things involved in becoming the most trusted partner, but I feel that excellent customer service is where it all begins.”
Margi’s personality (ENFP-A) is classified as “The Active Campaigner,” or the enthusiastic, creative and sociable free-spirit who always finds a reason to smile. “I am a take-charge, fix the problem, make sure everyone is happy and successful, type of person. I think that helps me contribute to successful teamwork by making sure our TTx team has the resources and information that they need to do their job correctly and well. It benefits the clients because by supporting the team I am helping to ensure that the clients needs are met in a professional way that ends in success.”
What brings you joy at work?
“What I enjoy most about my current role is that it allows me the opportunity to be a part of all aspects of the company. I get to work with the clients, engineers and salesmen so it never gets boring, and I am learning new things on a daily basis.”
What brings you joy outside of work?
“I enjoy spending time with my son, going to concerts, being outside and spending time with friends and family and White Claw! I am also a HUGE fan of Cleveland Browns Football!”