Ryan Davis
Structured Cabling Specialist
Ryan Davis joined TTx in March of 2023 and he serves as a Structured Cabling Specialist.
“We provide our clients with the best physical network infrastructure, allowing their business to operate smoothly and not have to worry about any issues that could arise.”
Ryan’s personality (ISFJ-A) is classified as a “Defender,” a loyal hardworking person. In their unassuming, understated way, Defenders help make the world go round. Hardworking and devoted, people with this personality type feel a deep sense of responsibility to those around them. “Being able to step back from an issue to take the time to assess multiple solutions, and then present them to the team and/or the client, gives us the ability to select the best one for the intended outcome.”
What brings you joy at work?
“Being a member of the TTx team, and having the ability to work with various customers while delivering the highest quality product.”
What brings you joy outside of work?
“I enjoy spending time with my wife and our dog. I am also an avid sailor both racing and just being out on the water. I am always working on projects, fixing things or tinkering.”