Scott Ursem

Scott Ursem


Scott Ursem joined TTx in 1987 and he is the President of the company.

“As President of TTx, I love being part of the Leadership team. We spend a lot of time on not only the direction of the company but how to make this a Great place to work. It gives me great satisfaction to see it get paid back with the hard work everyone puts in and the great customer sat. scores we receive.”

Scott has faithfully served TTx for over 3 decades in a variety of roles ranging from his first 10 years as a telephone technician to his present role as President. During his time at TTx, Scott has contributed to many departments and personally experienced all areas of the company. He has spent his entire career working closely with the outside customer base and understands implicitly how important communication and customer care is. To this day Scott works hard to continue to increase his knowledge of technology and create an atmosphere that holds customer satisfaction as number one.

Scott’s personality (ESTJ) is classified as “The Executive.” These folks are excellent administrators and are unsurpassed at managing things or people. Pretty fitting personality type for the President of the company.

“Even though I am part of the Executive team at TTx, I spend most of my days working closely with the Account Reps and Project Team to assist them as much as I can. I try to pass on my 35 years experience to the Team.”

What brings you joy at work?

“Building a culture at TTx is priority one. Great people will always give great client care and have empathy towards the customer. The way I treat people is the way I would want our customers treated.”

What brings you joy outside of work?

“My boys are grown now, so my days of coaching baseball and basketball are over but I would say nowadays I like to get out and golf with my friends and I really enjoy relaxing in my pool. I never miss a Tribe Game, so most nights during the season I am sitting in front of the TV around 8:00 pm. I love when my two boys come over and the four of us cook on the grill and have a few beers.”